Grizzly Murders

The location in the following story will not be named to protect the identities of its residents. (Truth is I was too lazy to think of a name for the town)

It was around mid-night when the police were called over to investigate a recent murder in the area. A young lady was found dead in her home with a slit neck and both her arms cut off, as well as a deep cut in her forehead. As a detective, Mark has seen many bodies, but this was by far the worse he’s ever seen. But he was known to have a strong stomach, so this was nothing for him. He is also known for being the best detective anyone could have the pleasure to work with. Mark examined the body; a knife or some other sharp object was definitely the murder weapon. But other then that, he couldn’t find any other evidence. “Maybe she killed herself?” said another investigator, who was a retard. “So your saying that she cut off her own arms and managed to silt her throat without using her hands?” replied Mark. The man thought for a moment, “Not in that order” he said. “Not in any order. Look, we can’t be making any assumptions before we look around long enough. I’m going to ask the prime witness some questions, you keep looking around.”
Mark went outside; where there was police cars and caution tape everywhere. The witness was standing near the ambulance. The kid was probably no more then 13 years old. He was still crying from what he saw. “I know it’s hard for you talk at this moment, but if you answer you can help us track down who ever has done this.” Mark said. The boy answered, “Ok” in a quiet voice.
“So, what’s your name?”
“So, Andrew, I believe you were the one who called us over. What were you doing before you called?”
“I was hanging out with my friends…”
“At 11 pm?”
“No, I was there at around 8. I checked the time and saw that I was late to coming home, so I started to walk home. While I was walking back, I saw someone come out of my neighbour’s house. It was someone I didn’t notice before. As I went closer I saw that it wasn’t some regular person. It was a… bear. It looked like he was carrying these arms. I later noticed that the bear had blood all over itself. Then for a moment, it stared at me. I was so freaked out that fell over. While the bear was running away, a managed to take a picture with my phone. I quickly went into my neighbour’s house; The door was still opened. I went in to see what had happened and then I saw…”
There was silence for a brief moment, until Mark asked if he could see the photo. Andrew slowly took out his phone, and gave it to Mark. Mark looked at the picture. It didn’t look like any other bear. The bear had twigs and mud all over itself, but that wasn’t the abnormal thing. The face caught his attention. He noticed that the bear had a huge grin on its face. The size of the teeth were off and the whole thing looked fake and cartoony. There was a dark outline around it’s eyes, like it was tired, and the eyes were plain white. No pupil, nothing. “You said you saw this thing at about 8?” said Mark, still looking at the photo. “Yes, I didn’t call right away because I was too frighten and it wasn’t on my mind at the time.” He replied. “I understand. You did well. We will see what we can do. Your free now.” As Mark was walking away, Andrew asked “ Aren’t you gonna give me back my phone?” Mark answered “Sorry, we still need to examine this picture. We are going to use this phone to view the photo.” Andrew was confused. He then said, “Isn’t there some other way? Can’t I just send the photo to your email or something?” Mark didn’t reply and walked away, thinking to himself “I am so keeping this phone. It's a damn fine phone”
While Mark was driving back home, he was thinking about what he saw. This town never had a problem with bears, as a single bear was never spotted in this area ever. The way the bear looked also made him think that it was just some regular person dressed up in a creepy bear costume. There are some crazy people out there. He needed time to think about it, so he went to bed to get a good night’s rest. He didn’t have much time to sleep as he was at the crime scene until 4 am. When he got to his bedroom, he noticed his wife was still sleeping. He then quietly slipped himself into bed and closed his eyes. A few hours later he woke up, ready to do more investigating. He had his breakfast, put on his jacket and gave his wife a kiss, just like everyday. His wife then said, “Be safe out there”, or some other generic crap.
Mark took out the kid’s his phone and looked at the picture. “Costume. There’s only one place in this town that sells costumes…” He got into his car and drove to Steven’s Wacky Costume store. The sound of Mark entering the store woke up Steven. “Good morning detective!” Steven said cheerfully
“What brings you here? I’m sure your not here to buy.”
“Well, I’m not here to buy, but I am looking for a costume”
“Oh really, well, have a look around.”
“No not like that. What I mean is… do you by any chance have this costume?”
Mark then pulled out the kid’s his phone and showed him the picture.
“Why is there blood on it?”
“That’s not important! Do you sell this costume?”
“Has anyone bought it from you?”
“So, who bought it from you?”
“I don’t remember who. Do you expect me to remember every customer who comes in here?”
“I would expect you to because it’s not exactly near Halloween time. Business doesn’t seem fast for you in general.”
There was a pause. Steven looked nervous, like he was hiding something.
“Ok, I remember the person who bought it, I remember what this person looks like. But…”
“But what?”
There was another pause, longer then the last one. Steven was sweating, his eyes were watering up, and his face was getting red.
“But, I CAN’T TELL YOU! It will find me, it will kill me! Don’t do this to me man!”
Mark was trying to reassure him. “ Calm down, I'm not going to let whatever your talking about get to you, and you can help by answering my questions” Mark calmly said. Steven was pointing behind him. He whispered “Too late!” Mark turned around and saw it.
The man in the bear costume! Mark got up and he quickly ran after it. The bear man quickly got on its two feet and started to run. Mark was sprinting, trying to catch up to it, but as he was running he tripped somehow and landed face first into a pile of dog shit. He lost the only suspect. Mark went to a nearby rest stop to get cleaned up. But then Mark got hungry so he ordered some food while he was there. 3 hours passed. As he got out, he remembered that Steven could be in trouble. He started to drive back to the store. But alas, he was too late. Steven got the lower half of his torso torn off. Both of his eyes were stabbed out and his chest was exposed, with his heart missing. Mark had a strong stomach, but it wasn’t that strong. He couldn't control himself and he threw up in Steven’s mouth. He reached for his own phone to call the police department. But before he could type the numbers, his phone rang. It showed that his wife was calling. He brought it up to his ear and answered. “Hello?” Mark said nervously. He heard the caller. It wasn’t his wife “Hello, lover. Heh heh heh. What’s taking you so long?” The voice was deep and gravely, and it spoke slowly. Mark was angry. He yelled in the phone “WHO ARE YOU?” The voice continued, “In time, you will know the answer but let me tell you this: Usually I don’t have enough time to properly, silence, my victims. But since you didn’t seem to be in a hurry, I took my time with this one. I really like the way she squeals when I dig my rusty knife into her flesh. I did not put her to waste, why would I do that to such a tasty, delicate human like her. But if you want to join the fest, I’ll be waiting and spare some. For you. In your house.” The call ended, and Mark threw the phone at Steven's throat which made vomit splash out of the man’s mouth.
Mark was furious. He got into his car and stepped on the pedal all the way. He forgot to call the police. It wasn’t exactly on his mind at the time. When he got home, he opened the glove compartment in his car. Inside were his gloves. What else did you expect to find, a gun!?! Also there was a gun, six-shooter to be exact. He never fired this thing on the job; maybe today would be his first day. He stormed out of the car and grabbed the doorknob tightly. He didn't want to alert the intruder, so he slowly opened the door.
He heard the sounds of somebody munching on something. When he got into the living room, he saw it. He saw it all. The man in the bear costume was standing up with a bloody knife clenched in his hand, right beside a huge pile of blood and small chunks of meat on the ground. Mark was standing there in shock. The bear spoke up. “I’m sorry detective, I lied about waiting for you. I’m also sorry about your carpet. It’s a real mess, isn’t it?” It then chuckled as Mark raised his gun and shot it in the chest. But it was still standing. Mark shot again, this time in the throat. Nothing. It was then charging right at him with the knife. He shot a third time, missing. Before he could do anything, the bear man grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and picked him up. The thing raised it’s knife up and slashed at Mark’s face, leaving a deep cut. As it was aiming for his heart with the knife, Mark was aiming for its brain. Mark pulled the trigger on his gun and shot him square in the head. The bear fell over, with out it showing any signs of getting up. Mark was panting heavily. He was so angry he shot the person’s corpse right in the balls. He walked up to the thing to see who this person was. He took off the bloody bear mask, and what he saw he couldn’t believe. The person who dressed up as a bear was…
A freaking bear! Like, a normal real life bear!
Out of nowhere, the bear sprung back to life and pushed Mark away. It then proceeded to rip off the costume and reveal it’s claws. The bear was acting normally now. It walked on all fours, it roared, and it’s wasn’t holding knifes. The bear charged towards Mark and got on top of him. It was clawing at him violently. He was getting tossed about, unable to do anything. Mark was reaching for his gun that was nearby. He had one bullet left to make it count. But the bear saw him trying to reach for the gun and it pushed it away. Then, using it’s claws, he stabbed Mark right in his neck, and started to rip his head off. The bear then got off Mark’s lifeless body. Standing over the human, he proclaimed, in a stoner voice “You were a cool dude to fight bro, BUT YOU CAN’T HANDLE THIS RIPPED BODY! AAAAARRRG!”. The bear started to dance for an hour until it’s stomach started to hurt. Mark’s wife jumped out of the bear’s mouth, grabbed the gun and shot the bear in the head.
True Story!
So what did we learn today? Stay the fuck away from bears!